Interface IMegolmSessionData

The result of a call to MatrixClient.exportRoomKeys

interface IMegolmSessionData {
    algorithm?: string;
    forwarding_curve25519_key_chain: string[];
    room_id: string;
    sender_claimed_keys: Record<string, string>;
    sender_key: string;
    session_id: string;
    session_key: string;
    untrusted?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


algorithm?: string
forwarding_curve25519_key_chain: string[]

Devices which forwarded this session to us (normally empty).

room_id: string

Room this session is used in

sender_claimed_keys: Record<string, string>

Other keys the sender claims.

sender_key: string

Sender's Curve25519 device key

session_id: string

Unique id for the session

session_key: string

Base64'ed key data

untrusted?: boolean